I have been working on a revamp for
StorURL Online. The old one is showing its age, and it's about time it has gone. The new version supports new methods of connecting, like mobile phones, tablets, and such. It still works well in a standard browser as well. I have upgraded security* and because of this, all original accounts will need to be re-registered.
In addition to supporting almost everything the old version supported, I've added some new things:
- Scan bookmarks to make sure they are still relevant. The web changes, sometimes things that are bookmarked are deleted or moved.
- You can now export your entire bookmark collection to an easy to use CSV file.
- Responsive layout for easy use on many different devices.
- Import a bookmark backup file (JSON) from Mozilla Firefox.
This version currently does not support integration with desktop client. The desktop application is outdated as well, and is on the list for renovation. When the updated desktop client is released, it will work closely with this new online version. In the mean time, check out the
new online version, and if you'd like register and test it out. It's free and hopefully easy to use. If you have any feedback, please, post a comment on this article or get in touch
via email.

*While the login security has been increased significantly, data is still sent over the internet via plain text. Due to the nature of free software, it's not feasible (increased hosting costs) for me to provide the service over a secure HTTPS connection.