After many years, I have finally updated
StorURL. With this new version, you get all the features of the old version, but now all data is stored in an easy to use database format. It is much more efficient and easier to manage, as it's only a single file. Also, since the data is stored in a true database engine (SQLite), it is easier to maintain and do all sorts of neat things with. This latest version requires the .NET 3.5 framework, which is available for all modern Windows OSes. One of the major changes for StorURL is that it now plays nicely with newer operating systems. Where the original StorURL saved its profiles within its own application directory, starting with Windows 7, that was no longer a good idea. After Windows 8 came out, it came downright impossible to function in that manner. This new version can be installed like a normal application your Program Files directory and it stores all your user data in your user folder, where it belongs!
Future plans for StorURL include the following:
- Store website credentials (encrypted of course)
- A portable mode that will let it run from a USB thumb drive
- Multiple languages. StorURL is used around the world, and I would like to be able to support all those users. If you would like to help translate StorURL to your language, please get in contact with me and I'll let you know how you can help.
Like all updates, you can grab the latest version of
StorURL from the regular location.
Anyway, that's all I have for now. Happy URL storing!!!