Howdy! Are you going on a cruise soon? Do you struggle to figure out which excursions you want to do in each port of call? Do you wonder how to best allocate your time when in port for a long time? My new tool will help you do that. It builds out a helpful table from the excursions you are interested in, and you can check to see what overlaps, and what doesn't. From there, you can mark your favorites and figure out how much it's going to cost for each port.

It's a fun little tool I built because I was getting annoyed building spreadsheets to do this for me for each trip. Now it's mostly automated an easy to use! If you like cruising and want to plan your excursions a bit better, hopefully this tool will help you out! Check out the
Cruise Excursion Planner out now!
Update: Whoops, the registration link was broken. It should be fixed now!