Hi Everybody!
I have uploaded a new application called WOLSend. It's a very basic command-line only program that allows you to send the "magic" packets on a local area network to wake up specific computers. To add to the program, I have for the first time for any of my applications, released the source code for the application into the public domain. It is a very simple amount of code, and it's my first step towards being more open with my free applications. Feel free to download the source and compile it yourself. All you need to do is create a new command line project in Visual C# (I used 2008, but it will probably compile in 2005+) and remove the Program.cs file, replacing it with WOLSend.cs. It may or may not compile using Mono in a Linux environment, but I have not tested it at this time.
You can see more details about
WOLSend by visiting the application details page.