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System / WinPosition 👍 8 👎 1
WinPosition is a simple application to allow you to manage the location of your various windows on your computer. It came about after the Winsplit Revolution application was discontinued and there was no longer a free version available.

WinPosition really works well with high resolution (4K+) screens where you don’t really need to maximize your windows to be effective. It pairs well with Remote Manager to manage PuTTY windows if you need to be logged into multiple SSH hosts simultaneously.
  • Use the Ctrl+Alt+NumPad keys to control where your open windows go
  • Create as many different layouts as you want for each key, and cycle through them
Main configuration interfaceApplication tray menu
The following items are required for WinPosition to run properly.
Supported/Tested Operating Systems
The following operating systems are supported for running WinPosition. It may run on other operating systems, but I have not tested any except the ones listed.
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